Upper Body Workouts (Weight Training Version)
Upper body workouts are extremely important for weight training since they are amazing for boosting your strenth and endurance in your arms, back, chest and shoulders. Upper body workouts may involve; Pull ups, push ups, dips arnold press etc.

“Dwayne Johnson Chest Workout”
Men Version

“5 Best Upper Body Exercises For Women”
Unisex Version
Upper Body Workouts (Cardio Version)
Also, it is strongly recommended to your back exercise a lot since it can improve strength, improves posture, improves metabolism, normal tasks become easier to accomplish, its rewarding, promotes a healthier and longer living period! Cardio, upper body workouts, are very good for runners since it creates more glycogen, improves arm swing and helps with cordination.

“Upper Body Cardio Workout”
“Upper Body+ Cardio”